Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. Acts 17:22
Mars Hill was a location in Athens that was of great importance for public discourse. There is a major outcropping of rock overlooking the great Greek city of Athens. All issues of life were discussed here. No doubt it became a nuisance to the public as these things do. Eventually Paul climbed the hill of Areopagus and declared the revelation of the Unknown God they worshipped . It was an open door to those who were truly seeking eternal life and glory. To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: Romans 2:7. Don't be lied to about history. The false retelling of history is one of the evils of our days. Greeks and Romans by the scores were captivated by the story and personage of Jesus the Nazarene. That is why Jesus told his disciples the fields are white unto harvest.
God didn't call lay people to dialogue in areas where they have no expertise, no first hand knowledge, no biblical backing, and no assignment from the local church. How long did Paul stay at Mars Hill? At the first he was instructed by his critics to make the ascent up the hill. It may have already been his plan, but not ideally do we allow the heathen to choose our discourse. These are the ones who called him a babbler. Which would be to call him a seed picker, or a strange out of touch character of low intelligence. Ask yourself who on social media stands for truth and is treated as a babbler. Jesus said as clearly in scripture as He could. I HAVE CHOSEN PAUL. HE IS MY CHOICEST VESSEL. If you ever hear anyone speak ill of God's choicest servant separate yourself from their fellowship. Shut off their podcast.
Jesus knew how to wipe the dust off of His feet better than any hip hop artist could brush their shoulder off. Jesus was so disgusted with culture that He remained poor, trained His disciples in the countryside, and never visited the Western Roman Empire(among other reasons). His mainstay was the picturesque countryside of the hills and Sea of Galilee. He busied Himself with labor and hobby as a carpenter and craftsman. His friends were rough fishermen and devout Jews of the town of Bethany. There is absolutely no evidence That Jesus ever visited the Greek amphitheaters that were planted in Israel to spread Hellenistic Greek culture.
He told us cast not your pearls before swine. Do not tell me the Christian is not better than the lost person. For he most certainly is if he meets the definition of a Christian. To be Christlike is to be Christian. The Christian is equal concerning his fleshly lusts, and equal concerning his origins, but the Christian is said to be transformed into a new creature, and possessor of a new divine nature, and beholden to the wisdom of his Master. He is at once sanctified to belong to Christ and began to be conformed to Christ's image. Far superior is the Christian. The non-believer and liberal theologian would surely deny it, but tis gospel truth. The Christian has pearls of wisdom that were drawn out of the depths of the wisdom of Christ.
...neither cast ye your pearls before swine... Matthew 7:6
Do not tell me you don't know where the swine feed. In this context in it concerns perceived truth for Jesus says give not that which is holy unto the dogs. The swine feed where the projected universal cultural ideas are proclaimed. Its the pigsty of popular ideology and thought. There has the majority of Christianity been bewitched and bedazzled. This is social media and mainstream t.v.
To be fair we miss the days of simplicity in entertainment. Especially because it was actually entertaining. But the saints of old were not ignorant of the invasive nature and had plenty of choice names for television.
The Babbler of Mars Hill would receive far worse today. Actually I believe though the personal habits and beliefs of the Greeks were often grotesque and evil there was honor given for a moment to a man who could have debated the forum into his own resultant victory for Paul was genius in his doctrine and understanding of gentile(non Jewish)culture. The Holy Ghost used Him to write the majority of the New Testament. Furthermore Luke wrote the two lengthiest books of the New Testament. What made Luke's work so authentic? He was Paul's close confidant and physician. Paul made quite an impression on Luke. Who very likely was gentile himself.
Why have so many Christians fallen prey to social media? That's a good question but there is something even more important than that. They have done a great evil to their own soul. They are unhappy, confused, and fearful. They have chosen perceived truth on the basis of the rejection syndrome. I challenge you to study and read the book called rejection syndrome. Because their fellow Christians will not hate and abandon them in spite of their false beliefs they pander to the hatred of mainstream and social media. For to disagree with such powers would mean total rejection. Neither could they come and go as they please but are rather prisoners that must march with them. Should any "babbler" offend the Statue of Perceived Truth and Relativism, this so called Christian moderator would persecute their own brother or sister in Christ.
I pray the writers ink would rebuke thee to shame faltering Christian. You sit under the banner of mainstream and proclaim falsehood to persecuted believers. What disgrace and dishonor upon the intelligence of the faith. How hideous the fallen spirits that attend your sermons. If you fancy yourself a moderator for cultured Christianity you are no trend setter. Your house built upon the sand will soon wash away as the millions before you. Have you discovered bigotry in the orthodoxy or in the Christian realm? Well done Nancy Drew.
Well prayed the Psalmist: the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail among the children of men. Psalm 12:1-4(highly recommended passage). God has left us a remnant of the faithful. I have brushed shoulders with the poor wise man of Ecclesiastes 9, and the babbler of Mars Hill. They are despised, mocked and treated as fools. Yet they are no chameleons but unmoveable men and women of the faith.
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: Job 5:17
I say, and Paul with me, the wisdom that the believer possesses is only possessed because I am one of God's great CORRECTED ONES. This does not induce a prideful spirit but a contented and convicted spirit. Paul was not impressed with Mars Hill, and neither should we be. Shouldn't Christians be able to spot superficial and fleeting methods of operation that will prove damning in the very near future? Have you not gazed upon Jesus and found his glory, beauty, and style to surpass all your fickle acquaintances? Will you count yourselves with those who in the last days stop their ears at the truth? Ladies have you seen how sycophants are supposed to draw you away in the last days? Doing so not through the church, but creep into(2 Timothy 3:1-7) your home? How could they do so without mainstream? Maybe you can prove otherwise. Maybe your peacemaking gift will seize the day. You have the majority(perceived). The ball is in your court. The blazing streets, rise of crime, ramped hatred, destroyed homes and lives do not prove your point.
Some have said the sin of omission is the most evil sin. When Paul walked up to the most prominent position to Mars Hill it was a breach upon their assembly. It was an aggressive message in terms of social discourse. Maybe God chose the wrong person. Maybe this whole New Testament thing has been taken way to far. Or maybe your conscience is seared as a hot facebook branded iron. Some mocked, some became interested, some began to follow Paul and be disciples. BUT PAUL DEPARTED FROM AMONG THEM(Acts 17:33).
Paul was treated as the scum of the earth. He said none of these things moved him. None of the arrogant and hateful slander or slurs moved his pattern or spirit. That is the Christlike virtue we reach for. Think and meditate on what happened to Paul that he would say none of these "things" move me. I'm sure Paul would be Oprah's favorite guest, just as I am sure you are familiar with satire. Demas discovered emojis long before you ever did. Social media, mainstream, liberalism, and the Laodicean spirit are the graveyard and tombs of the end times.
For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world. II Timothy 4:10