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Tiny Sparks of Faith


Tiny Sparks of Faith-

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; John 8:31

A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. Matt 12:20

Those who fancy themselves outdoorsmen know the importance of techniques of fire starting. Better yet those who live off the land, know many methods of keeping warm. They may try to teach something as this to you that seems so simple, but you find that they have mastered this ability and this skill comes from years of experience, and humble confidence in self and resource.

The prophet Isaiah says that this future person would deal kindly and softly with the smoking flax. This was the wick within the lampstand where was the burning oil used for light. When the wick became burnt and needed trimmed, it would dim the light and smoke. A diligent person would need to trim the lamp to keep this from happened, probably first by exstinguishing/quenching the flame. This happened daily in the Holy Place where was the golden lampstand. In the parable of ten virgins the wise virgins trimmed their lamps so their lamps would stay lit(Matt. 25:7) as was customary in Galilean weddings.

This illustration gives insight into the graceful work of God where a believers faith being imperfect, impartial, and ignorant of truth is kept intact by God to the end that it may become an operating lamp, where is light and warmth. However these particles of faith are nothing to be praised, they are quite shameful indeed. For the person who posseses such has treated faith more insignificant than should be. Their spiritual sight is blinded by pride, presumption, and preconception. They feel the presence of their person is a great gift to the Church, and would be insulted when Jesus says let him deny himself, take up their cross, and follow me. Or maybe in tenderness do they hide from the fiery furnace of faith, not knowing the tenderness of the Saviour. Maybe prejudice has sickened their soul. Prejedice is not institutional, but anthropological. Meaning it comes from within, innate, and ugly. Mankind produces many prejudices against truth. Therefore what dangers does society face when only one prejudice becomes the focus, while all others are fed steroids.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. This truth bomb from the Bible is far more revolutionary than it is given credit for. No doubt the apostacy and deception of our day is rooted in bitterness and not in faith. Faith is what greatly impressed Jesus. He knew that faith, if it was fostered, would cause growth in the believer. This person would become wise and knowledgeable, and would be a blessing to the Body of believers. Their faith focused existence would exuberate into all areas of their life.

To the fringe believer, or non believer, the Christian faith is so complicated. What they see is exactly what Jesus' critics saw when they looked at him. They judged him to be poor and silly. A weak failure who gained a few radical disciples of His own. Why would they follow such a contradictory path, that leads to trial and persecution. Jesus doesn't help any when he speaks in parables. Even to the frustration of the disciples... And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables(Matthew 13:10). This could be explained in man different ways, but this concerns the matter of truth and falsehood. Those who were willing to believe on Jesus had the truth revealed to them. Not an external belief but a belief in the heart of the person. Jesus spoke to them in parables to shew that only those who had accepted Him as their Teacher would understand the significance and reality of his parables. Some of the Pharisees who heard His rebuke of the Pharisees had no problem with him addressing the evil within their orginization.

There is a great attempt to make truth irrelevant and merely conceptual. How evil this is. In other words just because you know the truth and are able to discern it means nothing to the betterment of society and soul. So they believe. Of course there is no admittance of this for to admit such a thing would destroy their credability. So it is an unspoken way of life, to forgo the truth and carry on. How would this not lead us down the AutoBahn to hell? If these principals and precepts of the Bible are true, namely to let Jesus Christ be our Guide and Shepherd, else expose ourselves to the fiery darts of the wicked one, than is not our world a worse place having left the solemn worship of God?

Why is there such contempt for the solemnity of worship? Those that hear the voice of the Master are touched with the healing balm of truth. It comforts them. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth (John 13:16). There is great evidence that throughout the New Testament, the devout Jews who stood for the fidelity of the truth, even though they treated Jesus' with skepticism at first, by God's grace their ears and eyes were opened to Jesus. Some examples are Nicodemus, Thomas, Paul(Saul), and Apollos. That's because Jesus senses these tiny sparks of faith.

There is an unwelcome danger that accompanies the truth in our day. This becomes of little importance when we learn to trust the Lord. God offers protection to those who dare be defenders of the truth. Two verses come to mind. One in Psalms 91:4, and the other is found in the armor of God where in Ephesians 6 God tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Psalm 91 says that God will cover us beneath his wings and that truth will be our shield and buckler. This pictures a Christian in a true warfare. Now notice when shield is mentioned again concerning what? Our faith. Or the quality of our belief in God. So faith is what God sees when we follow down the path of truth. He shields us from deception, and thereby destruction.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Psalm 91:4

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Ephesians 6:16

"When our Lord Jesus sees a tiny spark of faith in a man’s heart, though it be quite insufficient of itself for salvation, yet he regards it with hope, and watches over it, if, haply, this little faith may grow to something more" Charles Spurgeon, Believing on Jesus and its Counterfeits

No mandate is given to discern the measure of faith that may exist in others, but rather to be faithful and rooted and grounded in the truth. Would you be counted faithful should one of these who within them are tiny sparks of faith? Or would you by your life of faith foster the truth in their life? I believe there are many false teachers out there. These think themselves and their personality are what strike the ignition of faith. We ourselves couldnt produce this for it is an act of God through the Word of God. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

We need to get back to letting Jesus be our counselor in every matter of life. In business, in marriage, in child rearing, in ministry, in government, and sexuality. What does God say about it should fill our every thought. No doubt those that do not have even sparks of faith, are not afraid to misinterpret scripture, and herald false teachings about all these things. False teachers are not the smoking flaxes of faith. Even the smallest amount of faith produces some degree reverence and humility for the truth.

Truth also takes a persevering quality to discover. We may have trouble constantly reminding believers to read their Bibles because there is such a stigma of ignorance attached that really begins within unbelief. I cannot study the French Revolution without also studying God's Word. When I do use what knowledge of divinity that I posses the French Revolution makes absolotute sense me. It was a great evil against humanity especially against the Church. There were underlying demons that led to such evils. However in secular studies the French Revolution is praised and compared to the Rennassaince, which simply makes no sense with the realities of the many things that took place. Without Faith we cannot even stomache to hear what happened to so many innocent victims, or comprehend that it was not well deserved. Let me put it this way. A settlement of virgin Christian girls should not be drowned to death in the local river.

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Ecclesiates 1:18

Without the foundation of the truth you are left with two choices in the world in which you live in. 1.) The world in which we live is incomprehensible. You cannot understand it. You do not leave it as such but you convince yourself that it is not meant to be understood fully. This as a believer is an impossiblity. Scripture says that if you live in darkness that you have no fellowship with Christ (I John 1:6). This is why God has not left us without pastors ,teachers, and evangelists. 2.) You are living in delusion and deception. This is not only the work of Satan, but when deception reaches the level of delusion, scripturally and shockingly this is an act of God. God will not bless deception and arrogant disregard for the truth. He gives them over to delusion, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thessalonians2:11......And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind Romans 1:28.

What a far cry from a relationship to Christ the modern Christian is accustomed to. Throughout the ages a war has been waged against the truth. I am glad to know the one who personifies all the wisdom of the Book of Proverbs. Who proclaimed I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Who was that true Light (John 1:9)...full of grace and truth (John 1:14) for the law was given by Moses, but graec and truth came by Jesus Christ. It's time to humble yourself weary traveller. Come and sit at the feet of Jesus and find rest for your weary truth hungry soul.

Jesus did precisely what Isaiah prophesied He would perform. He was kind and careful with the smallest of faith. He chided the disciples oh ye of little faith (Matthew 16:8). He stoked the flames by the excellency of His presence. Never did the disciples turn the corner to disappointment. When they thought the had found it the were rather given to total amazement by His power to uphold the truth.

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